HOV Use for Motorcycles in British Columbia
Is a motorcycle considered a High-Occupancy Vehicle?
Section 42.01 of the BC Motor Vehicle Act defines a High-Occupancy Vehicle as “a vehicle under 5500 kg GVW that is carrying at least the minimum number of persons specified by the applicable traffic control device”.
By this definition, a motorcycle with a single occupant would NOT be considered an HOV.
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HOV Lanes
Section 42.02(2) of the MVA states that a vehicle which is NOT an HOV must not use the HOV lane, except when turning right, as shown below:

Where you see this yellow sign, you can also go around, as shown below. Don’t forget that you may only enter or exit a reserved lane across a broken white line. Once the line turns solid-white, you may no longer enter or exit.
Did you know … You can be fined up to $109 and 2 demerit points for driving or riding across a solid white line.

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Am I allowed to ride a motorcycle in an HOV Lane?

Despite not being defined as a High-Occupancy Vehicle, section 42.02(3) of the MVA specifically exempts motorcycles from HOV Lane rules.
Unless otherwise signed, you ARE allowed to ride your motorcycle in an HOV Lane.
Remember, not every reserved lane is an HOV lane. Watch for signs or painted markings on the ground if you are not sure what type of reserved lane you are in.
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HOV vs. Bus & Bike Lanes
It is important to note here that HOV Lane exceptions for motorcycles DO NOT APPLY to bus lanes or bicycle lanes. Unless otherwise signed, you MAY NOT ride your motorcycle in a reserved lane marked for buses or bicycles only.
Did you know … Driving or riding improperly in a reserved lane is a violation of section 152/153 of the MVA and can be worth up to $109 in fines.
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Did you know … Electric vehicles displaying this official decal are also exempt from HOV lane rules (unless otherwise signed).
- www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/transportation/driving-and-cycling/traveller-information/routes-and-driving-conditions/hov-lanes
- www.bclaws.ca/EPLibraries/bclaws_new/document/ID/freeside/26_58_13#division_d2e45640
- www.bclaws.ca/civix/document/id/complete/statreg/96318_05#section152
- www.icbc.com/driver-licensing/tickets/Pages/fines-points-offences.aspx
- Learn to Ride Smart, Pg. 58-59